
Continuous integration and delivery Continuous deployment

Podman Compose

Podman Compose lets you define and run multi-container Podman applications.
By configuring the services using YAML files, you can then manage them all with a single command.


With wget

MacOS (ARM64)

wget -q -O ~/.pctmp.zip github.com/aramean/go-podman-compose/releases/latest/download/podman-compose-darwin-arm64.zip && sudo unzip ~/.pctmp.zip -d /usr/local/bin && rm -f ~/.pctmp.zip

MacOS (AMD64)

wget -q -O ~/.pctmp.zip github.com/aramean/go-podman-compose/releases/latest/download/podman-compose-darwin-amd64.zip && sudo unzip ~/.pctmp.zip -d /usr/local/bin && rm -f ~/.pctmp.zip

Linux (AMD64)

wget -q -O ~/.pctmp.zip github.com/aramean/go-podman-compose/releases/latest/download/podman-compose-linux-amd64.zip && sudo unzip ~/.pctmp.zip -d /usr/local/bin && rm -f ~/.pctmp.zip

From source

To compile from source, simply run go build

NOTE: Make sure you have the latest version of Go installed on your machine.


If you find an issue, please report it on the issue tracker.


If you’d like to donate to the project, click the button bellow.
